Let's try together,
hand in hand,
to choose the real path
Leading organization of that project is
Civil Association International Education and Resource Network - Macedonia
Development of this web site has been supported by UNESCO
as a part of Info Youth Network
Messages in English =-
Erina Najdovska
- Internet communication
Erina Najdovska - IT Security
Kazan Fico - About Chating on Internet
Nikola Torteski - Parts of a personal
Dejan Boskov - The real future with Computers
Dejan Boskov - CT Today's Vision of the
Nikolce Markoski - Aloud 4ie
Nikolce Markoski - Disk Test Pro
Branko Kostadinov - Communication Technology
Krste Atanasovski - Communication technology
Erina Najdovska - CT best site of the
Jane Kacanski - One World One Future
Jane Kacanski - CT/Processors
Jane Kacanski - CT/Audio
Jane Kacanski - CT/Graphic Accelerators
Jane Kacanski - CT/Mainboards
Dejan Boskov - CT Wireless Future
Nikolce Markoski - Communication Technology
Jane Kacanski - CT Network Sender
Dejan Boskov - Network/Sharing/Access/Sender
Jane Kacanski - Network/Dell PC for network
Dejan Boskov - Cyber Criminal Sender
Jane Kacanski - CT Computers Sender
Dejan Boskov - Future with Computers Sender
Erina Najdovska - CT communication
Daniel Mitkovski - Communication Technology
-= Mesazhet
ne Shqip =-
Krste Atanasovski
- Teknologjia e komunikimit
Branko Kostandinov - Teknologjia e komunikimit
Erina Nadovska - Faqja me e mire e Web-it
Jane Kacanski - Nje bote, nje e ardhme
Jane Kacanski - Aceleratoret
Jane Kacanski - Mainbordet
Dejan Boskov - E ardhmja pa kablla
Nikolce Markovski - Teknologjia e komunikimit
Jane Kacanski - Rrjeti
Nicola Torteski - Pjeset e kompjuterit
Dejan Boskov - E ardhmja e PC-ve
Dejan Boskov - Vizioni i sotem i se ardhmes
Nikolce Markovski - Aloud 4IE
Kazan Fico - Chat ne Internet
Erina Najdovska - IT Comunikimi ne Web
Erina Najdovska - IT Siguria
Nikolce Markovski - Disk Test Pro
Jane Kacanski - CT/ Procesoret
Jane Kacanski - CT/Zeri
Jane Kacanski - Derguesit e rrjetit
Dejan Boskov - Rrjeti - Ndarja - Dergimi
i aksesit
Dejan Boskov - PC - Kriminelet e Cyber-netikes
Jane Kacanski - Derguesit e PC-ve
Dejan Boskov - E ardhmja me derguesit
e PC-ve
Erina Najdovksa - Komunikimi
Daniel Mitovski - Teknologjia e Komunikimit